Saturday, January 26, 2013


I enjoyed how the women know what was going on all while playing dumb just soothe men could feel as if they were taking their role as the head of the investigation. While Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale  find evidence that could convict Mrs. Wright of the murder, they think twice in revealing the quilt and strangled bird to the men due to the assumption that they will believe it was very fickle and silly of the women to use such evidence. Laughing at the fact that the own were so drawn to the quilt, the me dismissed it. It's funny how it is believed hat women look at things with such meaning, whereas the men didn't think twice. This resulted in Mrs. Wright walking away a free woman. Perhaps his situation is an awareness that every little thing the woman does has meaning and could definitely cost the man his life. Example: the bird being strangled he same way Mr. Wright was. Maybe Mrs. Wright practiced for the murder.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Gerstenberg Overtones

The fact that I can relate to this script minus the need of fighting over a man, but more to the idea of saying one thing but meaning something more sinister and cutthroat. The script was relatable because, just like the purpose of theatre itself, it taps into human nature of saying on thing but meaning another. With the two women having their inner selves speak the truth while being described as wearing the more dominant colors was a perfect setup to get me, the audience, to understand the severity of their inner feelings toward the other. The veils ,however, I almost forgot about. I'm assuming they were to keep them hidden from showing one woman  what the other the other woman was truly thinking. That if the veil came off, the truth would escape frm the mental and into the natural realm.